In 2024, we saw the benefits of our continued investment in our franchises and our people, which helped us serve our clients with excellence and deliver strong results for our shareholders. Read the firm's annual report and our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David Solomon's letter to shareholders.
Goldman Sachs served as a joint bookrunner for the US $7B-equivalent multi-tranche, multi-currency bond offering — the largest-ever for HKD.
The International Financing Review recognized Goldman Sachs as the Derivatives House and Equity Derivatives House of the Year, Leveraged Finance House of the Year, and Best Bank for Financial Sponsors.
Sources: Headcount and external applicants as of 2024; 2023 Biennial Client & Stakeholder Survey. Data from a representative cross-section of clients across the firm.
The culture of Goldman Sachs is defined by an unwavering commitment to client service and an unrelenting pursuit of exceptional performance.
Our strategy is anchored in our world-class, interconnected Global Banking & Markets and Asset & Wealth Management franchises, which are uniquely positioned to drive growth and value for shareholders and clients.
We put our people, ideas, and capital to work through impact-oriented programs including 10,000 Small Businesses, 10,000 Women, One Million Black Women, Goldman Sachs Gives, and Community TeamWorks.